July 10, 2013

Felt Cake, Chocolates, Donuts and Cookies...

My daughter and I found the directions and pattern for making the felt cake slice with strawberry on top on Pinterest the other day. (The cake tutorial is here) My daughter and I spent an evening together making these really cute cakes. She's sixteen so when I have an opportunity to spend quality time with her I grab it and cherish it :).  I had so much fun making the cake I decided I would make chocolate candies. They turned out so yummy I then moved on to chocolate chip cookies, then the donut.  My plan was to give these to my little granddaughter to play with. I thought she would enjoy serving these sweets to her little stuffed friends at her tea party. She has been playing with them all morning. I'm so happy I could make her party more magical! :) 

I made my cake upside down because I wasn't paying much attention to the directions and was thinking in my mind it was cheesecake, hee hee. Next time I'll get it right.

These I just made without patterns or directions. They seemed simple enough to make up my own patterns.

I hope you make these they really are cute all finished up.

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